
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Lord Is My Light

6"x6" Oil on Gessoed Panel
with Palette Knife

The Lord is my light,
My light and salvation.
In God I trust.

These words and today's painting come from a Taizé song based on Psalm 27.


  1. Your painting caught my eye immediately - gorgeous. I googled and am listening to Taize while I look at it, and it definitely enhances my experience - great job of capturing the feel!

  2. Thank you very much, Brenda. Abstracts are always a leap for faith for me. Go to iTunes and look up "Trust, Inspirations from Taize" performed by Gemma. That was the actual recording I was painting to. That version is especially beautiful.

  3. Your work is so stunning. Puts me deep in thought.

  4. Thanks Sheila. I really try to provoke deeper thinking with my conceptual work. I'm glad this piece did that for you. Thanks also for following along and for all of your comments on my other pieces. They really mean a lot. Blessings.
