
Saturday, December 14, 2019

Embarking for Bethlehem

Oil on Panel for 
"Rejoice! Advent Meditations with Joseph" Journal
by Ascension Press
Mary and Joseph loved each other. The Incarnation in Mary's womb did not change that fact. For many couples, pregnancy is a mixed-bag of stresses and joys. I'm sure Joseph and Mary were no exception. They shared a bond and an experience like no other couple on earth. That experience could have overwhelmed them and separated them. But Mary and Joseph's strong love for each other, and for God, strengthened their union. It was that strength that enabled them to make the long journey to a Bethlehem stable and bear the Christ child.
In this painting for Ascension Press, we see Mary and Joseph preparing to embark for Bethlehem. As Joseph helps Mary onto the donkey, they pause for a brief moment to gaze into each others eyes and remember their love. The stress of pregnancy, the responsibilities of parenthood, the census, the journey ahead, all go away for a moment. They pause, their hearts flutter, and they smile—because they know that love endures all things.

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