
Monday, November 30, 2020


8"x10" Oil on Panel

Published work for

 "Rejoice! Advent Meditations with the Holy Family" 

by Ascension Press

Click Here to Purchase 

For the first week of Advent, I'm sharing a painting of Mary and Joseph's union blessing given by Mary's father. It is a touching scene of love and support. Additionally, it illustrates the power of God's blessing channeled through the love we show to each other.

 When working on this painting, I discovered an interesting thing about marriages in the ancient Jewish world. Marriages were generally a two-part event. First, the couple was betrothed and the union was legally recognized between the two families. For about a year afterward, on average, the couple lived separately with their families until the groom finished preparing a place for his bride—usually an addition to the family home. It would have most likely been during this time when Mary conceived the Christ child which set into motion unimaginable complications that would have ensued for both families. Not only is the endurance of Mary and Joseph's relationship a testament to their faith, it is also a testament to the faith, love and support they received from their families.


Based on that research, I discovered that when Christ tells his disciples that he is going to prepare a place for them, and that his father's house has many rooms, Jesus is using love language alluding to a bridegroom returning to claim his bride. Our relationship has already been sealed. Christ is lovingly preparing space for each of us in the infinite household of God to which one day He will return to us and take us home.


As we prepare for Christmas, may we remember and give thanks for those who have loved us through difficult times. May we joyfully avail ourselves to the nurture and support of our siblings in the family of God.

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