Since this is my genesis as a blogger, I thought this would be the appropriate starting piece. It is an idea on a passage from the first verses of Genesis. When the world was formless chaos, the spirit of God moved over the waters. Like a rising dawn, God's Grace conquers the darkness and calms the tidal forces of chaos. This passage begins a long history of special relationship between water and Grace. From the flood, to the calming of storms, to baptism, God continues to use this element of life to remind us of God's creating, and re-creating, love for the world.
There are actually two versions of this painting in existence. One was bought by a church, the other was commissioned to be reproduced at a larger size for a family. The husband is a Sea Captain. Whether you are on land or at sea, I hope you find peace and comfort in the loving God who is Lord over the chaos of life.
What a great beginning to the new year! I look forward to seeing and reading about more of your work. Thanks be to God for artists who are willing to share their talents to help us all sort through the chaos of life.