One of the paintings for "A Walk in the Park" event at Marcella Vivrette Smith Park,
Brentwood, on Oct 30 from 1-5 PM.
On one of the trails, deep into the park, lies the remains of a slave wall. Slave walls are gems of history which can be found all over middle Tennessee. They were property fences land owners had built with slave labor. Many have been restored, for they are important relics of southern history. This one, however, looks untouched—letting nature and time take its toll.
I actually think this wall tells a more accurate story than any restored walls. I think it reflects the state of our culture's attitude to African Americans today. Racism and prejudice still exist today, but I believe it continues to crumble slowly over time. Like a scar, this wall is a beautiful sign of healing from a wound we will never forget and remains as an undeniable part of our personal story.
The people who built this wall in the days of slavery are long gone.
I pray that someday ALL of the walls we build to divide ourselves and oppress others
will be gone as well.